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Bug 1549017 Comment 1 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
## Note Well **Hotfixing prefs to work around this issue may leave your browser in a state that conflicts with fixes applied by patches Firefox developers apply to release, beta, nightly and ESR channels and could leave the browser in a unusable state.** --- Full Procedure: 1. Go to `about:support` in the URL bar. 2. Open your profile directory. 3. Open `extensions.json` in your preferred editor. 4. Replace all `"appDisabled":true` with `"appDisabled":false`. 5. Replace all `"signedState":-1` with `"signedState":2`. 6. Save the file. 7. Restart Firefox. 8. Go to `about:addons` in the URL bar. 9. Disable then enable each addon to get it working again.