(In reply to Marius Coman [:mcoman], Experiments QA from comment #3) > Hi Emily, are these server-side changes or we can see them in the browser? It's a front-end change that sets us up to accept the prop from the server once it's available - right now the front end will be using the fallback string because the data isn't present. It's also an optional prop, so there's no need to go back and fill it in; it's just there to be used going forward :)
Bug 1551711 Comment 4 Edit History
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(In reply to Marius Coman [:mcoman], Experiments QA from comment #3) > Hi Emily, are these server-side changes or we can see them in the browser? It's a front-end change that sets us up to accept the prop from the server once it's available - right now the front end will be using the fallback string because the data isn't present. (The fallback is just an empty string, to flag images/icons as decorative for screen readers.) It's also an optional prop, so there's no need to go back and fill it in; it's just there to be used going forward :)