Bug 1599215 Comment 0 Edit History

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After Dev Tools is closed, watchpoints property set/get does not work as expected.

Affected versions
Firefox versions Nightly 72.0a1

Affected platforms
Windows 10

Steps to reproduce

1. Launch the Firefox Browser and open http://janodvarko.cz/tests/debugger/watchpoints/
2. Open Developer Tools and click on "Click Me!" button in Test Case #!
3. On Scopes Side Panel looks for object Person.age and add watchpoint property set
4. Close Dev Tools and reopen again
5. Click on "Click Me!" button in Test Case #! and looks for watchpoint

Actual Result
Person.age value displays a symbol >> with Tooltip (Invoke getter) instead of the original value (number) 

For property Get, if you click on ">>", value "Restricted" is displayed.
For property Set, if you click on ">>", value 36 is displayed
After Dev Tools is closed, watchpoints property set/get does not work as expected.

**Affected versions**
Firefox versions Nightly 72.0a1

**Affected platforms**
Windows 10

**Steps to reproduce**

1. Launch the Firefox Browser and open http://janodvarko.cz/tests/debugger/watchpoints/
2. Open Developer Tools and click on "Click Me!" button in Test Case #!
3. On Scopes Side Panel looks for object Person.age and add watchpoint property set
4. Close Dev Tools and reopen again
5. Click on "Click Me!" button in Test Case #! and looks for watchpoint

**Actual Result**
Person.age value displays a symbol >> with Tooltip (Invoke getter) instead of the original value (number) 

For property Get, if you click on ">>", value "Restricted" is displayed.
For property Set, if you click on ">>", value 36 is displayed

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