After Dev Tools is closed, watchpoints property set/get does not work as expected. Affected versions Firefox versions Nightly 72.0a1 Affected platforms Windows 10 Steps to reproduce 1. Launch the Firefox Browser and open 2. Open Developer Tools and click on "Click Me!" button in Test Case #! 3. On Scopes Side Panel looks for object Person.age and add watchpoint property set 4. Close Dev Tools and reopen again 5. Click on "Click Me!" button in Test Case #! and looks for watchpoint Actual Result Person.age value displays a symbol >> with Tooltip (Invoke getter) instead of the original value (number) **Note** For property Get, if you click on ">>", value "Restricted" is displayed. For property Set, if you click on ">>", value 36 is displayed
Bug 1599215 Comment 0 Edit History
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After Dev Tools is closed, watchpoints property set/get does not work as expected. **Affected versions** Firefox versions Nightly 72.0a1 **Affected platforms** Windows 10 **Steps to reproduce** 1. Launch the Firefox Browser and open 2. Open Developer Tools and click on "Click Me!" button in Test Case #! 3. On Scopes Side Panel looks for object Person.age and add watchpoint property set 4. Close Dev Tools and reopen again 5. Click on "Click Me!" button in Test Case #! and looks for watchpoint **Actual Result** Person.age value displays a symbol >> with Tooltip (Invoke getter) instead of the original value (number) **Note** For property Get, if you click on ">>", value "Restricted" is displayed. For property Set, if you click on ">>", value 36 is displayed