Bug 1602293 Comment 6 Edit History

Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.

Hi Mike, while I appreciate your intention to help, we're not keen on helping people override the blocklist as it helps us protect their privacy and security. To that effect, we've hidden your comment with instructions for blocklist circumvention (which you are of course free to publish on your own forum, although we explicitly do not recommend that people disable the blocklist). 

(In reply to Mike Thomas from comment #5)
> (In reply to jxmzn3 from comment #3)
> > (In reply to Andreas Wagner [:TheOne] [use NI] from comment #2)
> > > The block has been pushed.
> > 
> > I really need this addon, it is the ONLY one that allows you to translate entire pages using your own cookies as you would chrome. I am using the original that was deleted by that optional feature (which requires affirmative consent) and not any clone, however it was banned and now my browser does not allow me to re-activate it. 
> > 
> > Is there any reason why it should suffer such a severe blocking if nothing has changed? I would like to invite you to block it again in the soft way. 
> > 
> > In case for some reason you prefer to continue unjustly treating it as malware, could you or someone tell me how to skip this hard block so that I can continue using firefox? Thanks.
> My above reply is complicated and convoluted. This should get it working again:
> Open Firefox. Type about:config into URL bar.
> Search: extensions.blocklist.enabled and set it to False.
> Exit Firefox. Delete file blocklist.xml from your profile folder.
> Launch Firefox and install the S3.Translator again.
> This method above works on Windows XP SP3 using Firefox 52.9.0 ESR.
Hi Mike, while I appreciate your intention to help, we're not keen on helping people override the blocklist as it helps us protect their privacy and security. To that effect, we've hidden your comment with instructions for blocklist circumvention (which you are of course free to publish on your own forum, although we explicitly do not recommend that people disable the blocklist).

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