(In reply to Cosmin Sabou [:CosminS] from comment #16) > Looks like the spike that started from the 28th is caused by Bug 1618311. Range with [retriggers](https://treeherder.mozilla.org/#/jobs?repo=autoland&searchStr=Android%2C7.0%2Cx86-64%2Copt%2Ctest-android-em-7.0-x86_64%2Fopt-geckoview-junit-e10s-multi-e10s%2C%28gv-junit-e10s-multi%29&tochange=5690715ef70efb9e6c835e0e0ae63371af1475f7&selectedTaskRun=L1SBQiPJRuepPEaqUnrl3Q-0&fromchange=92172b9cef6b88934c7d54beb7e3d311a69df127). Seems quite unlikely bug 1618311 regressed this. According to the range with retriggers, the previous commit is also failing the test frequently and one more previous is bug 1622060 that seems to have made `gv-junit` show up as `gv-junit-e10s-multi` and the test was also failing there too. aklotz, would running the tests with `dom.ipc.processCount=3` cause the intermittent timeouts to increase?
Bug 1607878 Comment 17 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
(In reply to Cosmin Sabou [:CosminS] from comment #16) > Looks like the spike that started from the 28th is caused by Bug 1618311. Range with [retriggers](https://treeherder.mozilla.org/#/jobs?repo=autoland&searchStr=Android%2C7.0%2Cx86-64%2Copt%2Ctest-android-em-7.0-x86_64%2Fopt-geckoview-junit-e10s-multi-e10s%2C%28gv-junit-e10s-multi%29&tochange=5690715ef70efb9e6c835e0e0ae63371af1475f7&selectedTaskRun=L1SBQiPJRuepPEaqUnrl3Q-0&fromchange=92172b9cef6b88934c7d54beb7e3d311a69df127). Seems quite unlikely bug 1618311 regressed this. According to the range with retriggers, the previous commit is also failing the test frequently and one more previous is bug 1622060 that seems to have made `gv-junit` show up as `gv-junit-e10s-multi` and the test was also failing there too. aklotz, would running the tests with `dom.ipc.processCount=3` cause the intermittent timeouts to increase? https://treeherder.mozilla.org/#/jobs?repo=autoland&searchStr=junit%2Copt&tochange=5690715ef70efb9e6c835e0e0ae63371af1475f7&fromchange=92172b9cef6b88934c7d54beb7e3d311a69df127