[`AutoStyleCacheArray` creates 19 `StyleCache` instances] from constructor. [`StyleCache` has `nsString` member variable](https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/c52d5f8025b5c9b2b4487159419ac9012762c40c/editor/libeditor/TypeInState.h#50) and most of the `nsString` instance are not used in most cases. Therefore, we should make it create `StyleCache` instance when it's necessary.
Bug 1609860 Comment 0 Edit History
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[`AutoStyleCacheArray` creates 19 `StyleCache` instances](https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/c52d5f8025b5c9b2b4487159419ac9012762c40c/editor/libeditor/TypeInState.h#68-86) from constructor. [`StyleCache` has `nsString` member variable](https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/c52d5f8025b5c9b2b4487159419ac9012762c40c/editor/libeditor/TypeInState.h#50) and most of the `nsString` instance are not used in most cases. Therefore, we should make it create `StyleCache` instance when it's necessary.