The typedefs ``` typedef BaseAutoLock<Mutex&> MutexAutoLock; typedef BaseAutoLock<OffTheBooksMutex&> OffTheBooksMutexAutoLock; typedef BaseAutoUnlock<Mutex&> MutexAutoUnlock; typedef BaseAutoUnlock<OffTheBooksMutex&> OffTheBooksMutexAutoUnlock; ``` are no longer necessary and deduction guides can be used instead to handle any Mutex reference. `BaseAutoLock` can be renamed to `MutexAutoLock` and a deduction guide ``` template <typename MutexType> MutexAutoLock(MutexType&)->MutexAutoLock<MutexType&>; ``` be defined instead. All uses of `BaseAutoLock` and `OffTheBooksMutexAutoUnlock` must be changed to refer to `MutexAutoLock` in the course of this.
Bug 1618165 Comment 0 Edit History
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The typedefs ``` typedef BaseAutoLock<Mutex&> MutexAutoLock; typedef BaseAutoLock<OffTheBooksMutex&> OffTheBooksMutexAutoLock; ``` are no longer necessary and deduction guides can be used instead to handle any Mutex reference. `BaseAutoLock` can be renamed to `MutexAutoLock` and a deduction guide ``` template <typename MutexType> MutexAutoLock(MutexType&)->MutexAutoLock<MutexType&>; ``` be defined instead. All uses of `BaseAutoLock` and `OffTheBooksMutexAutoUnlock` must be changed to refer to `MutexAutoLock` in the course of this. The same applies to `BaseAutoUnlock` etc.