(In reply to Stefan Hindli [:stefan_hindli] from comment #11) > Backed out changeset c6bc4817cea2 (Bug 1619837) for causing perma mochitest tier2 failure in testing/mochitest/tests/python/test_basic_mochitest_plain.py CLOSED TREE > > https://treeherder.mozilla.org/#/jobs?repo=autoland&searchStr=linux%2Cx64%2Cdebug%2Cpython%2C2%2Cunit%2Ctests%2Csource-test-python-mochitest-harness-linux64%2Fdebug%2Cpy2%28mch%29&tochange=597d165cd5d3f66bb9b68d9adc7b8f4d6777d3de&fromchange=40006dd7366d284f512415a75d1589654402be1a&selectedJob=292632315 > > https://treeherder.mozilla.org/logviewer.html#/jobs?job_id=292632315&repo=autoland&lineNumber=239 ahal: hg says you wrote this test. My commit changes `utils.py` so that every line of test output is run through `fix_stacks.py` instead of `fix_linux_stack.py`. Somehow this caused this test to fail. Do you have any ideas how this might have happened? If the test triggers an assertion then a stack trace could be printed, and it's possible something went wrong with `fix_stacks.py` when fixing that stack trace, but I can't see evidence of this in the log. The test has a [TODO](https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/7d0c94a0e9a9fe1f83553f49b10128567d21709d/testing/mochitest/tests/python/test_basic_mochitest_plain.py#85) that indicates the "failure" might not even be a failure; I'm not sure what to make of that. I'm trying to run this test locally, but I haven't worked out how to do it yet. `./mach python-test --python 2 --subsuite mochitest` is used in the test on automation, but I get tons of Python errors when I try that locally. Can you tell me how to run this locally? Thanks.
Bug 1619837 Comment 13 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
Ah, I found the problem: "Exception: cannot find `fix-stacks`; please run `./mach bootstrap`". I'm still not pleased about getting backed out for failure of a tier2 test job that wasn't even running on try pushes.
EDIT: Ah, I found the problem: "Exception: cannot find `fix-stacks`; please run `./mach bootstrap`". I'm still not pleased about getting backed out for failure of a tier2 test job that wasn't even running on try pushes.