As soon as we have EventSourceActor connected to the front end (bug 1636420) we can introduce necessary changes in the existing reducer an actions modules. We should also support couple of UI differences between WS and SSE * Support for different list of columns for SSE (Data, Size, Time) * Hide the drop down filters for SSE (there are only received events) * Support for different status bar summary for SSE (there are not send data) Honza
Bug 1637867 Comment 0 Edit History
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As soon as we have EventSourceActor connected to the front end (bug 1636420) we can introduce necessary changes in the existing reducer an actions modules. We should also support couple of UI differences between WS and SSE * Support for different list of columns for SSE (Data, Size, Time + we need new column for Last ID) * Hide the drop down filters for SSE (there are only received events) * Support for different status bar summary for SSE (there are not send data) * Show `Connection closed` message for closed connections Honza
As soon as we have EventSourceActor connected to the front end (bug 1636420) we can introduce necessary changes in the existing reducer an actions modules. We should also support couple of UI differences between WS and SSE * Support for different list of columns for SSE (Data, Size, Time + we need new column for Last ID) * Hide the drop down filters for SSE (there are only received events) * Support for different status bar summary for SSE (there are not sent data, so show just the total) * Show `Connection closed` message for closed connections Honza