Bug 1664442 Comment 0 Edit History

Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.

**Affected versions**
Firefox Nightly 82.0a1

**Affected platforms**
Mac OS X 10.15

gfx.webrender.all = true or gfx.webrender.all = false
apz.allow_zooming = true

**Steps to reproduce**
1. Navigate to  https://edition.cnn.com/ and read an article
2. Pinch zoom to the maximum
3. Slowly scroll the page using the touchpad (up/down, right/left)
4. Wait for a little after each scroll 

Expected result
Pages should be correctly displayed while pinch-zooming and scrolling.

Actual Result
Pages turn white while scrolling. Please see the screencast for more details.
**Affected versions**
Firefox Nightly 82.0a1

**Affected platforms**
Mac OS X 10.15

gfx.webrender.all = true or gfx.webrender.all = false
apz.allow_zooming = true

**Steps to reproduce**
1. Navigate to  https://edition.cnn.com/ and read an article
2. Pinch zoom to the maximum
3. Slowly scroll the page using the touchpad (up/down, right/left)
4. Wait for a little after each scroll 

**Expected result**
Pages should be correctly displayed while pinch-zooming and scrolling.

**Actual Result**
Pages turn white while scrolling. Please see the screencast for more details.

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