Bug 1675986 Comment 1 Edit History

Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.

This list can be updated as necessary, but to start tracking the work here are some terms to start with, linked to issues where they've been filed. Terms that would be replaced, but which don't currently exist in first-party code are listed as ~struck through~.
- ~bananas~
- bonkers
- [crazy](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1675987)
- ~cuckoo~
- demented
- ~deranged~
- hysterical
- insane
- ~loco~
- ~loony/lunatic~
- ~mad~
- ~nutso/nutsy/nutty~
- ~psychotic~
- ~wacko~
This list can be updated as necessary, but to start tracking the work here are some terms to start with, linked to issues where they've been filed. Terms that would be replaced, but which don't currently exist in first-party code are listed as ~struck through~.
- ~bananas~
- bonkers
- [crazy](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1675987)
- ~cuckoo~
- demented
- ~deranged~
- hysterical
- insane
- ~loco~
- loony/lunatic
- ~mad~
- ~nutso/nutsy/nutty~
- ~psychotic~
- ~wacko~
This list can be updated as necessary, but to start tracking the work here are some terms to start with, linked to issues where they've been filed. Terms that would be replaced, but which don't currently exist in first-party code are listed as ~struck through~.
- ~bananas~
- bonkers
- [crazy](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1675987)
- ~cuckoo~
- demented
- ~deranged~
- hysterical
- insane
- ~loco~
- loony/lunatic
- ~mad~
- ~nutso/nutsy/nutty~
- ~psychotic~
- sanity check/test (see [seanmhanson's note](https://gist.github.com/seanmhanson/fe370c2d8bd2b3228680e38899baf5cc#file-ableismsanitycheck-md))
- ~wacko~

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