Sure, I saved the html on my computer Opened a new tab and opened the file (ctrl +O) I switched to something else, like chrome or slack (alt+tab) I returned to FF (alt+tab) Youtube is opened.
Bug 1681217 Comment 6 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
Sure, I saved the Html on my computer Went to FF, opened a new tab, and loaded the HTML file (ctrl +O) I switched to something else, like chrome or slack (alt+tab) I returned to FF (alt+tab) Youtube is opened.
Sure, I saved the Html on my computer Went to FF, opened a new tab, and loaded the HTML file (ctrl +O) I switched to something else, like chrome or slack (alt+tab) I returned to FF (alt+tab) The document keyup event is captured and the page is redirected to youtube