Since aboutaddons.html did as least interaction as it could with extensions.xhtml, it also somewhat did its own view management. After bug 1525179, gViewController is the main place for view management. recordViewTelemetry in view-controller.js for instance does: `gViewController.parseViewId(currentViewId)?.type` I expect helpers/properties can be added on `gViewController` and the `current-view` attributes + `getTelemetryViewName` can be removed in favour of those.
Bug 1689246 Comment 0 Edit History
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Since aboutaddons.html did as least interaction as it could with extensions.xhtml, it also somewhat did its own view management. After bug 1525179, gViewController is the main place for view management. recordViewTelemetry in view-controller.js for instance does: `gViewController.parseViewId(currentViewId)?.type` I expect helpers/properties can be added on `gViewController`. After that, the `current-view` attributes + `getTelemetryViewName` can be removed in favour of those.