Bug 1689317 Comment 4 Edit History

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`nsCopySupport::FireClipboardEvent` properly calls `EventDispatcher::Dispatch` so it's indeed something about bubbling. [The spec says](https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#dispatching-events):

>6. If parent is a Window object, or parent is a node and target’s root is a shadow-including inclusive ancestor of parent, then:
>    1. If isActivationEvent is true, event’s bubbles attribute is true, activationTarget is null, and parent has activation behavior, then set activationTarget to parent.
>    2. Append to an event path with event, parent, null, relatedTarget, touchTargets, and slot-in-closed-tree.

It seems it should bubble to the host if I'm understanding it correctly.
`nsCopySupport::FireClipboardEvent` properly calls `EventDispatcher::Dispatch` (and thus the internal element properly gets the event) so it's indeed something about bubbling. [The spec says](https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#dispatching-events):

>6. If parent is a Window object, or parent is a node and target’s root is a shadow-including inclusive ancestor of parent, then:
>    1. If isActivationEvent is true, event’s bubbles attribute is true, activationTarget is null, and parent has activation behavior, then set activationTarget to parent.
>    2. Append to an event path with event, parent, null, relatedTarget, touchTargets, and slot-in-closed-tree.

It seems it should bubble to the host if I'm understanding it correctly.

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