Bug 1704278 Comment 4 Edit History

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> Jan-Ivar, sounds like we're not propagating the fact that this is a click handler.

Note that starting in 86, gDM requires [transient activation](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#transient-activation) as per [spec](https://w3c.github.io/mediacapture-screen-share/#dom-mediadevices-getdisplaymedia) (bug 1679735), which is time-based, though that should only help, not hurt.

> the data flow is "click handler in main document" -> "iframe.contentWindow.postMessage()" -> "getDisplayMedia inside iframe"

Hi Bartelmus, thanks for reporting and clarifying! — I've tried to replicate this situation in https://jsfiddle.net/jib1/yu04p8x1/ but it WFM.

It also appears to work from a button inside the iframe https://jan-ivar.github.io/dummy/iframe_gdm.html

If you're able to modify either of these fiddles to repro the problem, that would be helpful, as I don't have the Jitsi meet IFrame API to play with. Thanks!
> Jan-Ivar, sounds like we're not propagating the fact that this is a click handler.

Note that starting in 86, gDM requires [transient activation](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#transient-activation) as per [spec](https://w3c.github.io/mediacapture-screen-share/#dom-mediadevices-getdisplaymedia) (bug 1679735), which is time-based, though that should still work.

> the data flow is "click handler in main document" -> "iframe.contentWindow.postMessage()" -> "getDisplayMedia inside iframe"

Hi Bartelmus, thanks for reporting and clarifying! — I've tried to replicate this situation in https://jsfiddle.net/jib1/yu04p8x1/ but it WFM.

It also appears to work from a button inside the iframe https://jan-ivar.github.io/dummy/iframe_gdm.html

If you're able to modify either of these fiddles to repro the problem, that would be helpful, as I don't have the Jitsi meet IFrame API to play with. Thanks!

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