Bug 1709598 added the ability to keep firefox in the dock and bug 1712802 makes use of it from about:welcome STR: 0. ensure firefox is not already "Keep in Dock" (app dock context menu -> options -> keep in dock) 1. open a second firefox window 2. minimize it to the dock 3. go to about:welcome 4. click "Keep in Dock" Expected: minimized window stays minimized Actual: minimized window becomes visible Alternatively ``` Cc["@mozilla.org/widget/macdocksupport;1"].getService(Ci.nsIMacDockSupport).ensureAppIsPinnedToDock() ```
Bug 1714148 Comment 0 Edit History
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Bug 1709598 added the ability to keep firefox in the dock and bug 1712802 makes use of it from about:welcome STR: 0. ensure firefox is not already "Keep in Dock" (app dock context menu -> options -> keep in dock) 1. open a second firefox window 2. minimize the second window to the dock 3. go to about:welcome in the first window 4. click "Keep in Dock" Expected: minimized window stays minimized Actual: minimized window becomes visible Alternatively ``` Cc["@mozilla.org/widget/macdocksupport;1"].getService(Ci.nsIMacDockSupport).ensureAppIsPinnedToDock() ```