Looking into this, it appears we can mostly copy and paste `nsBidi` into the `intl/src/components` and then update the naming and conventions to match the unified intl components. It would be nice to also move the all the definitions into the `.cpp` file, then we wouldn't have to expose the ICU internals in the header. It appears the constructor is infallible, so it won't need the `TryCreate` method. Some new tests will need to be written for it. I don't see anything at this unit level.
Bug 1719546 Comment 2 Edit History
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Looking into this, it appears we can mostly copy and paste `nsBidi` into the `intl/src/components` and then update the naming and conventions to match the unified intl components. It would be nice to also move the all the definitions into the `.cpp` file, then we wouldn't have to expose the ICU internals in the header. It appears the constructor is infallible, so it won't need the `TryCreate` method. Some new tests will need to be written for it. I don't see anything at this unit level. I'm updating this as open for contributions beyond Dan or I, since it's adapting an existing abstraction.