According to [this bugzilla task]( and [this commit]( that added the "show more" and "show all" buttons, both buttons were used at the same time. [A commit for Proton]( modified the `showAllLabel` and `showAllTooltipText` attributes. Got in contact @mconley and @emalyz for more info to see if this change was intentional.
Bug 1727197 Comment 1 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
According to [this bugzilla task]( and [this commit]( that added the "show more" and "show all" buttons, both buttons were used at the same time. [A commit for Proton]( modified the `showAllLabel` and `showAllTooltipText` attributes. Got in contact @mconley and @emalyz for more info to see if this change was intentional. **Update**: "show all" button was meant to be removed. Will delete any "show all" fluent strings .