Bug 1732528 Comment 0 Edit History

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I am not sure if there is something missing about [`blobImpl = do_QueryInterface(data);`](https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/b517c9f37b5287039f3dde53876281d70523d16f/dom/base/nsContentUtils.cpp#7941), but it doesn't work in my testing when data is a webidl `Blob`.

This is important for my case of supporting dragging images on Linux, because we convert the `nsIInputStream` provided by the platform code to a `File` in `DataTransferItem::FillInExternalData` via `CreateFileFromInputStream`.
I am not sure if there is something missing about [`blobImpl = do_QueryInterface(data);`](https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/b517c9f37b5287039f3dde53876281d70523d16f/dom/base/nsContentUtils.cpp#7941), but it doesn't work in my testing when data is a webidl `File`.

This is important for my case of supporting dragging images on Linux, because we convert the `nsIInputStream` provided by the platform code to a `File` in `DataTransferItem::FillInExternalData` via `CreateFileFromInputStream`.

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