The reference test has no 😬 I feel like it's the File method that is problematic here, but I'm not anywhere yet to pinpoint.
Bug 1766716 Comment 5 Edit History
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The reference test has no 😬 I feel like it's the File method that is problematic here (either in Gecko or Blink), but I'm not anywhere yet to pinpoint.
The reference test has no 😬 ~~I feel like it's the File method that is problematic here (either in Gecko or Blink), but I'm not anywhere yet to pinpoint.~~ Okay, comment #2 was right, canceling another branch does resolve it.
The reference test has no 😬 ~~I feel like it's the File method that is problematic here (either in Gecko or Blink), but I'm not anywhere yet to pinpoint.~~ Edit 1: Okay, comment #2 was right, canceling another branch does resolve it. Edit 2: I successfully reproduced this with user-defined readable byte stream. Will write a patch soon.
The reference test has no 😬 ~~I feel like it's the File method that is problematic here (either in Gecko or Blink), but I'm not anywhere yet to pinpoint.~~ Edit 1: Okay, comment #2 was right, canceling another branch does resolve it. Edit 2: I successfully reproduced this with user-defined readable byte stream. Will add a WPT test soon.
The reference test has no 😬 ~~I feel like it's the File method that is problematic here (either in Gecko or Blink), but I'm not anywhere yet to pinpoint.~~ Edit 1: Okay, comment #2 was right, canceling another branch does resolve it. Edit 2: I successfully reproduced this with user-defined readable byte stream. The reference implementation shows the same behavior with Gecko, so this is Blink issue. I'll add a WPT test soon.