Please note: Settings > General REading and Display - Select 'A new message window' - **Select 'Close message window/tab on move or delete.'** Message Pane is disabled. This has also been reported in the Support Forum - after updating to 102* After deleting/archive email, the window auto closes as expected BUT the next unread email in Thread Pane is selected and marked as 'read' even though it has not been opened. However, if person manually closes the window and then archives/deletes email then the next email may be selected but as it has not been opened it is still marked as unread. There seems to be something very wrong wih the 'Close message window/tab on move or delete' option. Upon delete or archive, does the code shuffle the Thread Pane list and select next email before it auto closes the Window ? In which case is that window open in code terms long enough for the next selected email to be perceived as opened? OR as the other option - if 'Close message window/tab on move or delete.' is not selected, the next item in list selection which is opened in window is not the same as what is selected in thread pane. I believe both of these issues maybe connected.
Bug 1779880 Comment 9 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
Please note: Settings > General REading and Display - Select 'A new message window' - **Select 'Close message window/tab on move or delete.'** Message Pane is disabled. This has also been reported in the Support Forum - after updating to 102* After deleting/archive email, the window auto closes as expected BUT when user uses the 'Archive' option the next unread email in Thread Pane is selected and marked as 'read' even though it has not been opened. However, if person manually closes the window and then archives/deletes email then the next email may be selected but as it has not been opened it is still marked as unread. There seems to be something very wrong wih the 'Close message window/tab on move or delete' option. Upon delete or archive, does the code shuffle the Thread Pane list and select next email before it auto closes the Window ? In which case is that window open in code terms long enough for the next selected email to be perceived as opened? OR as the other option - if 'Close message window/tab on move or delete.' is not selected, the next item in list selection which is opened in window is not the same as what is selected in thread pane. I believe both of these issues maybe connected.