Incorrect email displayed in additional message window (when message pane hidden)
(Thunderbird :: Mail Window Front End, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: anjeyelf, Unassigned)
(Blocks 1 open bug, )
(1 file)
340.82 KB,
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Windows 10
Version 102.0.2
Settings > General
REading and Display
Select 'A new message window'
Do not select 'Close message window/tab on move or delete.
Disable the Message Pane.
In list there are 3 emails, A, B, C where A is the top one.
Sorted by Date, Descending, unthreaded
Select 'B' to highlight then open email 'B' using double click so it opens in a new window.
then press 'A'
Email is archived.
In Message List email 'C' is now highlighted as the email above has been removed and list is moved up to fill gap. This is expected.
However, email 'A' is auto opened and is now displaying in the window which previously displayed 'B'. This is an error - not expected.
The highlighted Email 'C' to be displaying in the already opened window.
If Message Pane is enabled, but keep all other settings
Select 'B' it is displayed in Message Pane
press 'A' key and email 'B' is Archived.
Email 'C' is auto highlighted in list and email 'C' is displayed in MessagePane.
So all works as expected when using Message Pane.
Additional info on odd display which now sees wrong, non selected emails being Archived.
Settings > General
REading and Display
Select 'A new message window'
Do not select 'Close message window/tab on move or delete.
Enable the Message Pane
In list there are 4 emails, A, B, C, D where A is the top one.
Sorted by Date, Descending, unthreaded
Select 'B' to highlight it opens in Message Pane
then open email 'B' using double click so it also opens in a new window.
press 'A' key and email 'B' is Archived.
In Message List email 'C' is now highlighted as the email above has been removed and list is moved up to fill gap.
Email 'C' is displaying in Message Pane - this is correct.
Email 'A' is displaying in the open window. - this is incorrect.
Email 'C' should have remained open in window because I have disabled the 'close' on move option.
Email 'A' although incorrectly selected should not have opened at all because it was not a double click and if opened should be in a new window.
Leave window open displaying email 'A'.
In Message List Select email 'C' - even if already highlighted - select it - you now have focus on the main UI and not the email displying in open window .
Email 'C' it is already displaying in Message Pane
Press 'A'
Email 'C' is not Archived and remains selected in Message List and remains displaying in Message Pane - this is unexpected.
However, Email 'A' - the non selected email that was displaying in the non-focused open window has been archived. This is not expected.
Email 'A' disappears from Message List because it got archived.
Email 'C' now displays in the open window.
It would seem enabling the 'Message Pane', also over rides the double click action and displays email in open window.
'Edit' > 'Undo move message' recovers the archived Email 'B' - it does not not undo the last erroneously archived email 'A'.
There is something very odd going on if you have an email already opened in a window and do not have the setting to auto close on move.
Another user is also experiencing unusual action with Message Pane disabled and selected 'Close message window/tab on move or delete.
After manually closing opened window and pressing 'A' to archive selected email, a new window is auto opening in the background for email now selected in Message List. There was no double click action, yet it opens.
Please see:
Updated•3 years ago
Comment 3•3 years ago
Tested (with a pop account). I can't reproduce.
Comment 4•3 years ago
Can anyone else reproduce?
Comment 5•3 years ago
I'm tripping up on:
REading and Display
I don't see that options (though I am on 104.0b2).
Any better with 102.1.1?
Comment 6•3 years ago
(In reply to Wayne Mery (:wsmwk) from comment #4)
Can anyone else reproduce?
Tested on 102.2.1 (64-bit), Win10 (originally reported against 102.0).
This worksforme correctly after taking time to test both comment 0 and comment 1 to the letter (I believe; not easy as there are no numbered steps, and actual result isn't explicit). I'm not seeing any of the unexpected results reported by Anje.
Anje, could you try your steps again and see if they still fail for you on 102.2.1?
SAme settings as in comment 0
Image supplied to help clarify what I'm seeing.
Select 'B' to highlight (Dell Tech Support date/time 23/7/2020 4:04pm) then open email 'B' using double click so it opens in a new window.
then press 'A'
Email in window changes to show email 'C' as expected
But In Message List email 'A' is highlighted
I expected email 'C' to be highlighted.
The email which was 'Archived' has disappeared from the list - expected.
It is in Archives > 2020 folder - expected.
This was tested on a pop account.
Just to confirm - it was tested on version 102.2.1 (64bit)
So this time there is a slight modification, but still not correct.
Previously - In Message List email 'C' is now highlighted as the email above has been removed and list is moved up to fill gap.
This time - In Message List email 'A' is highlighted - selected previous email not C which was moved up to fill gap.
Previously - Email 'C' is displaying in Message Pane - this is correct as it is selected in list
This time - Email 'A' is displaying in Message Pane - this is correct because it is selected in list
Previously - Email 'A' is displaying in the open window. - this is incorrect.
But Expected Email 'B' to remain open in window because I have disabled the 'close' on move option.
This time - Email 'C' is displaying in the open window. - this is incorrect. It does not even match the email which has focus in list = 'A'
But expected Email 'B' to remain open in window because I have disabled the 'close' on move option.
Please note:
Settings > General
REading and Display
- Select 'A new message window'
- Select 'Close message window/tab on move or delete.'
Message Pane is disabled.
This has also been reported in the Support Forum - after updating to 102*
After deleting/archive email, the window auto closes as expected
BUT when user uses the 'Archive' option the next unread email in Thread Pane is selected and marked as 'read' even though it has not been opened.
However, if person manually closes the window and then archives/deletes email then the next email may be selected but as it has not been opened it is still marked as unread.
There seems to be something very wrong wih the 'Close message window/tab on move or delete' option.
Upon delete or archive, does the code shuffle the Thread Pane list and select next email before it auto closes the Window ?
In which case is that window open in code terms long enough for the next selected email to be perceived as opened?
OR as the other option - if 'Close message window/tab on move or delete.' is not selected, the next item in list selection which is opened in window is not the same as what is selected in thread pane.
I believe both of these issues maybe connected.
Comment 10•2 years ago
Reporter, do you still see this issue when using the latest version?
What information can you add to clarify the steps to reproduce this issue?
Reporter | ||
Comment 12•2 years ago
Windows 10
Version 102.10.1
Settings > General
REading and Display
Select 'A new message window'
Do not select 'Close message window/tab on move or delete.
Disable the Message Pane.
In list there are 3 emails, A, B, C where A is the top one.
Sorted by Date, Descending, unthreaded
Select 'B' to highlight then open email 'B' using double click so it opens in a new window.
then press 'A'
Email is archived.
In Message List, previously email C was highlighted as it was shuffled up to fill space - expected, but now email 'A is highlighted , so it has selected the email above the removed email - not expected.
However, email 'A' is not displaying in the opened window - email 'C' is auto opened and is now displaying in the window which previously displayed 'B', this is expected, but it still does not match what is actually auto selected in list.
So, I'm still not getting what is expected. Both email C selected in list and opened in window.
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Comment 13•2 years ago
If I perform exactly the same as above, but this time I have the Message Pane enabled.
Email A is selected in Message List.
Email A is shown in Message Pane.
Email C is shown in the opened window.
Email A is selected in Message List.
Email A is shown in Message Pane.
Email A is shown in the opened window.
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Comment 14•2 years ago
In continuance of comment 13 - If I then select 'Edit' - 'Undo' - it offers ' Undo delete message', but nothing happens to restore archived email. It does not offer 'Undo move message' - not expected.
If I then close the opened window that is now displaying email 'C:' and then use 'Edit' - 'Undo' - it offers ' Undo move message'
On selecting ' Undo move message' option Thunderbird crashed.
Crash report Id:
Thunderbird 102.10.1 Crash Report [@ mozilla::detail::InvalidArrayIndex_CRASH | nsMsgLocalMailFolder::CopyMessages ]
Comment 15•2 years ago
Unless this bug can be reproduced in beta/daily, it's not going to move. So much of this code changed during the cycle.
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Comment 16•2 years ago
Normally I use the Message Pane all the time and occasionally open in new tab. So, this issue would not have exposed itself.
Basically, I was just performing a test to see what occurred when I selected the settings for a double click to open in new window with no select for 'Close message window/tab on move or delete', whilst Message Pane was enabled and also when disabled.
Hence discovered this unexpected result and also the managed to get a crash.
If a person normally used those settings, they may see unexpected results.
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Comment 17•2 years ago
(In reply to Magnus Melin [:mkmelin] from comment #15)
Unless this bug can be reproduced in beta/daily, it's not going to move. So much of this code changed during the cycle.
Good point. I'm not using either daily or beta.
But, perhaps it's worth checking whether it does occur in beta/daily under those specific conditions.
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Comment 19•1 year ago
I have beta 123.0b5 installed for test etc purposes.
Opened 'B' email in new window - clicked on content to ensure focus
Clicked on 'A'.
Email moved to Archive folder
In list, message list moves up to fill space - expected.
The 'C' email is selected - expected
The 'C' email is displayed in the open window - expected.
All the above is working ok.
Pressed 'Undo'
Email 'B' was not returned to 'Inbox'. It is still in Archive.
Instead an email at top of list which I had previously tested to move to archive and then manually returned to Inbox was moved by the 'Undo' action back to Archive. But according to Activity Manager an email was deleted! Nothing was deleted.
Whilst email is now displaying correctly in 'new window' and the Message List selection, there is something very weird when it comes to 'Undo'.
I would expect 'Undo' to be the last action I did - undo the Archive not Undo an action I made prior.