Bug 1804363 Comment 4 Edit History

Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.

I can reliably reproduce this, but it does go away when I restart (but not when I refresh Firefox view).

So STR is something like:

* Connect first desktop device to Sync account.
* Connect second desktop device to Sync. After connection, but before restarting, visit Firefox View. Note the screenshot is as above, even after refreshing.
* Restart either profile, problem goes away.

(Reliably reproducing it is probably easiest by opening accounts.firefox.com in a private window, and resetting the account password (even to the same password is fine and makes future reconnection easier). Then reconnect one profile, exit, reconnect the second profile and you will see the above)
I can reliably reproduce this, but it does go away when I restart (but not when I refresh Firefox view).

So STR is something like:

* Connect first desktop device to Sync account.
* Connect second desktop device to Sync. After connection, but before restarting, visit Firefox View. Note the screenshot is as above, even after refreshing.
* Restart either profile, problem goes away.

(Reliably reproducing it is probably easiest by opening accounts.firefox.com in a private window, and resetting the account password (even to the same password is fine and makes future reconnection easier). Then reconnect one profile, exit, reconnect the second profile and you will see the above)

edit: note my first repro was doing things "normally" not via a password reset - the password reset note above is just easier than repro'ing with a new account

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