Bug 1807072 Comment 13 Edit History

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I have spiked implementing a cooldown period in fenix and it is possible to do (although you don't get an overscroll edge effect during this period).
However, Chrome doesn't do this any more, as has been mentioned above. And i'm not sure whether we should proceed with this approach - the ticket seems predicated on the outdated Chrome behaviour. It may catch some instances of incorrectly interpreted scroll gestures, but this would be timing-dependent - scroll gestures performed outside the cooldown period could still be misinterpreted as pull-to-refresh. It could also be a bit annoying, depending on how long you set the cooldown to be.
There are multiple pull-to-refresh scroll issues in the [parent meta bug](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1882722). Maybe we should look at those first and then decide whether we still want to implement this?
I have spiked implementing a cooldown period in fenix and it is possible to do (although you don't get an overscroll edge effect during this period).
However, Chrome doesn't do this any more, as has been mentioned above. And i'm not sure whether we should proceed with this approach - the ticket seems predicated on the outdated Chrome behaviour. It may catch some instances of incorrectly interpreted scroll gestures, but this would be timing-dependent - scroll gestures performed outside the cooldown period could still be misinterpreted as pull-to-refresh. It could also be a bit annoying for people who are trying to refresh a page multiple times in quick succession, depending on how long you set the cooldown to be.
There are multiple pull-to-refresh scroll issues in the [parent meta bug](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1882722). Maybe we should look at those first and then decide whether we still want to implement this?

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