```js await (async () => { const reader = new Response("HELLO").body.getReader({ mode: "byob" }); let done; while (!done) { console.log("not done"); // await new Promise(setTimeout) done = (await reader.read(new Uint8Array(8))).done; } console.log("done"); })() ``` Somehow this only emits a single "not done" message and never ends, but it works when adding a setTimeout before the next read call. Needs to be investigated.
Bug 1809673 Comment 0 Edit History
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```js await (async () => { const reader = new Response("HELLO").body.getReader({ mode: "byob" }); let done; while (!done) { // await new Promise(setTimeout) const result = await reader.read(new Uint8Array(8)); done = result.done; console.log(result); } })() ``` Somehow this only emits a single "not done" message and never ends, but it works when adding a setTimeout before the next read call. Needs to be investigated.
```js await (async () => { const reader = new Response("HELLO").body.getReader({ mode: "byob" }); let done; while (!done) { // await new Promise(setTimeout) const result = await reader.read(new Uint8Array(2)); done = result.done; console.log(result); } })() ``` Somehow this only emits `done: false` but never emits `done: true`, but it works when adding a setTimeout before the next read call. Needs to be investigated.
```js await (async () => { const reader = new Response("HELLO").body.getReader({ mode: "byob" }); let done; while (!done) { // await new Promise(setTimeout) const result = await reader.read(new Uint8Array(2)); done = result.done; console.log(result); } })() ``` Without setTimeout: 3 chunks "HE", "LL", "O" are read but then it stalls With setTimeout: 1 chunk "HE" is read and then it ends, losing everything else. Needs to be investigated.