Bug 1824871 Comment 11 Edit History

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Actually, the relevant error is this:

JavaScript warning: , line 0: Error in Device::create_render_bundle_encoder: the number of color attachments 9 exceeds the limit 8

This is reported here, I think:

return Err(CreateRenderBundleError::ColorAttachment(
    ColorAttachmentError::TooMany {
        given: desc.color_formats.len(),
        limit: hal::MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS,

It's caused by this call in the test case:

        const encoder = device.createRenderBundleEncoder({
          'colorFormats': ['rg8uint', 'bc6h-rgb-ufloat', 'rg32float', 'rg32float', 'depth32float', 'r8unorm', 'rg32uint', 'rgba32sint', 'rg8unorm'],

This provides formats for nine color attachments, but only eight are supported. It seems like something is not dealing with the failure to create the render bundle encoder.
(deleted; commented on wrong bug)

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