When trying to land bug 1871441, the hazard analysis [is failing](https://treeherder.mozilla.org/logviewer?job_id=443140216&repo=autoland&lineNumber=103159): ``` [js/src/devtools/rootAnalysis/computeCallgraph.js:429:23](https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/f465027ef4d334dbc9ad270718c8a5e8045e7a2b/js/src/devtools/rootAnalysis/computeCallgraph.js#429) InternalError: allocation size overflow ``` It appears to be dying in the `data.readString()` part of that line that retrieves the JSON, not while actually parsing the JSON. I can reproduce locally, and am looking into it now.
Bug 1830931 Comment 2 Edit History
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(oops; accidentally posted a comment here)