If you navigate to <https://thimbleberry.dev> after consuming the patch stack associated with bug 1830762, one encounters the following error in Nightly: ``` Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: GPURenderPassEncoder.draw: Argument 1 is not a finite value, so is out of range for unsigned long. encodeCommands MosaicShader.ts:96 stampRange ShaderGroup.ts:21 <snip> ``` …which is caused by a reference to a `GPUBuffer`'s `size` attribute being `undefined`. 😲 It turns out that our implementation of WebGPU doesn't populate the `readonly attribute`s specified to be on `GPUBuffer` at all! We should, according to section 5.1 ("`GPUBuffer`") of the current WebGPU v1 spec. draft ([link](https://gpuweb.github.io/gpuweb/#gpubuffer)).
Bug 1831120 Comment 0 Edit History
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If you navigate to <https://thimbleberry.dev> after consuming the patch stack associated with bug 1830762, one encounters the following error in Nightly: ``` Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: GPURenderPassEncoder.draw: Argument 1 is not a finite value, so is out of range for unsigned long. encodeCommands MosaicShader.ts:96 stampRange ShaderGroup.ts:21 <snip> ``` …which is caused by a reference to a `GPUBuffer`'s `size` attribute being `undefined`. 😲 It turns out that our implementation of WebGPU doesn't populate the `readonly attribute`s specified to be on `GPUBuffer` at all! We should, according to section 5.1 ("`GPUBuffer`") of the current WebGPU v1 spec. draft ([link](https://gpuweb.github.io/gpuweb/#gpubuffer)).