Bug 1834618 Comment 3 Edit History

Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.

Initial Exploration Notebook: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1ieOZziL3QI8mj8xU-xByFDRJPYsBD8TV#scrollTo=kcU16XNrgmiz

This uses a sample of 5000 pings.

Some interesting findings:

First of all, we mostly don't see data that is very obviously wrong. Always a good sign!

It is worth rethinking context parse error; empty appears to mean something different to us as humans than it does to the code, so I'll get that updated myself: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1835151

That's mostly it on that front.

Moving onto fields:

Here are the events we're actually getting:

ASR_RS_NO_MESSAGES            4736
ASR_RS_ERROR                   113
IMPRESSION                      85
MOMENTS_PAGE_SET                20
CLICK_BUTTON                    18
DISMISS                         17
TRANSACTION_FAILED               2
SELECT_CHECKBOX                  1
DISMISSED                        1
SESSION_END                      1
ENABLE                           1
Name: string.messaging_system_event

While we aren't getting a huge percentage of pings containing attribution, we do see some!

%2528not%2Bset%2529    27
whatsnew                3
Name: string.messaging_system_attribution_campaign
%2528not%2Bset%2529    30
Name: string.messaging_system_attribution_content
mozillaci    21
mozorg        7
Name: string.messaging_system_attribution_dlsource
www.google.com     16
www.bing.com       11
firefox-browser     3
Name: string.messaging_system_attribution_source
chrome     16
edge       11
firefox     3
Name: string.messaging_system_attribution_ua

Our ASR specific recorded locale matches our expectations for nightly locales!

Here's where the pings were actually coming from:
undesired-events    4856
moments               20
spotlight             20
whats-new-panel        7
cfr                    6
infobar                2
Name: string.messaging_system_ping_type, dtype: int64

Here's some useful context data, consider we can tell who clicked primary and secondary buttons!


We even observe some upgrades:
`FX_MR_106_UPGRADE   18`
Initial Exploration Notebook: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1ieOZziL3QI8mj8xU-xByFDRJPYsBD8TV#scrollTo=kcU16XNrgmiz

This uses a sample of 5000 pings.

Some interesting findings:

First of all, we don't see data that is very obviously wrong. Always a good sign!

It is worth rethinking context parse error; I will investigate potential implications of the way we've chosen to handle it now that we see the percentage of cases that will error: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1835151

That's mostly it on that front.

Moving onto fields:

Here are the events we're actually getting:

ASR_RS_NO_MESSAGES            4736
ASR_RS_ERROR                   113
IMPRESSION                      85
MOMENTS_PAGE_SET                20
CLICK_BUTTON                    18
DISMISS                         17
TRANSACTION_FAILED               2
SELECT_CHECKBOX                  1
DISMISSED                        1
SESSION_END                      1
ENABLE                           1
Name: string.messaging_system_event

While we aren't getting a huge percentage of pings containing attribution, we do see some!

%2528not%2Bset%2529    27
whatsnew                3
Name: string.messaging_system_attribution_campaign
%2528not%2Bset%2529    30
Name: string.messaging_system_attribution_content
mozillaci    21
mozorg        7
Name: string.messaging_system_attribution_dlsource
www.google.com     16
www.bing.com       11
firefox-browser     3
Name: string.messaging_system_attribution_source
chrome     16
edge       11
firefox     3
Name: string.messaging_system_attribution_ua

Our ASR specific recorded locale matches our expectations for nightly locales!

Here's where the pings were actually coming from:
undesired-events    4856
moments               20
spotlight             20
whats-new-panel        7
cfr                    6
infobar                2
Name: string.messaging_system_ping_type, dtype: int64

Here's some useful context data, consider we can tell who clicked primary and secondary buttons!


We even observe some upgrades:
`FX_MR_106_UPGRADE   18`

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