**Found in** * 116.0a1 (2023-06-28) **Affected versions** * 116.0a1 (2023-06-28) **Tested platforms** * Affected platforms: Windows 10x64, macOS 12 * Unaffected platforms: Ubuntu 22.04 **Preconditions** * browser.migrate.chrome.extensions.enabled: true * (maybe?) chrome profile with lots of data (passwords, extensions, history, bookmarks) **Steps to reproduce** 1. Open migration window and observe the browser console. **Expected result** * No errors are displayed. **Actual result** * `TypeError: can't access property "startsWith", key is undefined _getLocaleString resource:///modules/ChromeMigrationUtils.sys.mjs:146 getExtensionInformation resource:///modules/ChromeMigrationUtils.sys.mjs:110 ChromeMigrationUtils.sys.mjs:127:15 getExtensionInformation resource:///modules/ChromeMigrationUtils.sys.mjs:127` errors are displayed. **Regression range** * Mozregression points at https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/autoland/pushloghtml?fromchange=693d34c8447d4730b61eaad4858422001bdb1a7e&tochange=b865b19797f1adb2019d2845b4ad65c34869a433 pushlog on affected machines. **Additional notes** * Attached a screen recording. * Note that this issue is occurring only on a Windows 10x64 and macOS 12 machine. I can’t reproduce it on Ubuntu 22 or on other Windows 10x64 machine. * This issue occurs once after a Firefox startup. The issue occurs again only after a Firefox restart or close/reopen. * I am not aware of any functionality issues for this error.
Bug 1840843 Comment 0 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
**Found in** * 116.0a1 (2023-06-28) **Affected versions** * 116.0a1 (2023-06-28) **Tested platforms** * Affected platforms: Windows 10x64, macOS 12 * Unaffected platforms: Ubuntu 22.04 **Preconditions** * browser.migrate.chrome.extensions.enabled: true * (maybe?) chrome profile with lots of data (passwords, extensions, history, bookmarks) **Steps to reproduce** 1. Open migration window and observe the browser console. **Expected result** * No errors are displayed. **Actual result** * `TypeError: can't access property "startsWith", key is undefined _getLocaleString resource:///modules/ChromeMigrationUtils.sys.mjs:146 getExtensionInformation resource:///modules/ChromeMigrationUtils.sys.mjs:110 ChromeMigrationUtils.sys.mjs:127:15 getExtensionInformation resource:///modules/ChromeMigrationUtils.sys.mjs:127` errors are displayed. **Regression range** * Mozregression points at https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/autoland/pushloghtml?fromchange=693d34c8447d4730b61eaad4858422001bdb1a7e&tochange=b865b19797f1adb2019d2845b4ad65c34869a433 pushlog on affected machines. **Additional notes** * Attached a screen recording. * Note that this issue is occurring only on a Windows 10x64 and macOS 12 machine. I can’t reproduce it on Ubuntu 22 or on other Windows 10x64 machine. * This happens when the default browser is Chrome when opening the new migration window. * This issue occurs once after a Firefox startup. The issue occurs again only after a Firefox restart or close/reopen. * I am not aware of any functionality issues for this error.
**Found in** * 116.0a1 (2023-06-28) **Affected versions** * 116.0a1 (2023-06-28) **Tested platforms** * Affected platforms: Windows 10x64, macOS 12 * Unaffected platforms: Ubuntu 22.04 **Preconditions** * browser.migrate.chrome.extensions.enabled: true * (maybe?) chrome profile with lots of data (passwords, extensions, history, bookmarks) **Steps to reproduce** 1. Open migration window and observe the browser console. **Expected result** * No errors are displayed. **Actual result** * `TypeError: can't access property "startsWith", key is undefined _getLocaleString resource:///modules/ChromeMigrationUtils.sys.mjs:146 getExtensionInformation resource:///modules/ChromeMigrationUtils.sys.mjs:110 ChromeMigrationUtils.sys.mjs:127:15 getExtensionInformation resource:///modules/ChromeMigrationUtils.sys.mjs:127` errors are displayed. **Regression range** * Mozregression points at https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/autoland/pushloghtml?fromchange=693d34c8447d4730b61eaad4858422001bdb1a7e&tochange=b865b19797f1adb2019d2845b4ad65c34869a433 pushlog on affected machines. **Additional notes** * Attached a screen recording. * Note that this issue is occurring only on a Windows 10x64 and macOS 12 machine. I can’t reproduce it on Ubuntu 22 or on other Windows 10x64 machine. * This also happens when the default browser is Chrome when opening the new migration window. * This issue occurs once after a Firefox startup. The issue occurs again only after a Firefox restart or close/reopen. * I am not aware of any functionality issues for this error.