Bug 1841773 Comment 0 Edit History

Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.

**Found in**
* 116.0b1 

**Affected versions**
* 116.0b1
* 117.0a1 (2023-07-04)

* random extensions installed on Chrome
* browser.migrate.chrome.extensions.enabled:true

**Tested platforms**
* Affected platforms: Windows 10x64, macOS 12, Ubuntu 22.04
* Unaffected platforms: none

**Steps to reproduce**

1. Open the new migration window and import extensions.
2. Observe the `Extensions` link.

**Expected result**
*  The `Extensions`  link is blue per [Figma](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?type=design&node-id=1485-10500&mode=design&t=vYyUA0ZVD0PUAGkr-0)

**Actual result**
* The `Extensions` link is grey.

**Regression range**
* Not a regression.

**Additional notes**
* Attached a screenshot.
**Found in**
* 116.0b1 

**Affected versions**
* 116.0b1
* 117.0a1 (2023-07-04)

* random extensions installed on Chrome
* browser.migrate.chrome.extensions.enabled:true

**Tested platforms**
* Affected platforms: Windows 10x64, macOS 12, Ubuntu 22.04
* Unaffected platforms: none

**Steps to reproduce**

1. Open the new migration window and import extensions.
2. Observe the `Extensions` link.

**Expected result**
*  The `Extensions`  link is blue per [Figma](https://www.figma.com/file/PcMkM0ZaSSy3zmS3CYGWNj/Handover---students?type=design&node-id=1485-10500&mode=design&t=vYyUA0ZVD0PUAGkr-0)

**Actual result**
* The `Extensions` link is grey.

**Regression range**
* Not a regression.

**Additional notes**
* Attached a screenshot.
* This happens for all three scenarios (full success, partial success, no matches).

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