I wrote a patch to introduce some basic ShadowDOM mutation in Bug 1842820, and I believe it covers most of the ShadowDOM mutation case. There's one exception though that is when the host element is added to the tree and it's not a shadow host at the time and later it becomes a shadow host, we are not able to detect this. There's no way to observe the `attachShadow` call. Not sure if we have some thing special for devtools. I wonder if this is related to this reddit issue.
Bug 1842820 Comment 4 Edit History
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I wrote a patch to introduce some basic ShadowDOM mutation in Bug 1855307, and I believe it covers most of the ShadowDOM mutation case. There's one exception though that is when the host element is added to the tree and it's not a shadow host at the time and later it becomes a shadow host, we are not able to detect this. There's no way to observe the `attachShadow` call. Not sure if we have some thing special for devtools. I wonder if this is related to this reddit issue.