Bug 1844867 Comment 1 Edit History

Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.

Known place(s) where an out-of-date uniformity analysis is currently hurting users:

1. [This message in `#wgpu:matrix.org`](https://matrix.to/#/!FZyQrssSlHEZqrYcOb:matrix.org/$Fno3TrPBQgAwSPfPaCVet_IUYNkjEDEdkFAEOKCy8BQ?via=matrix.org&via=mozilla.org&via=kde.org) by @jaspperrlz, who notes transpiling GLSL shaders to WGSL, which then fail validation in uniformity analysis.
1. Bug 1844867, where a derivative operation was used and already proven to be working in Chrome.

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