(In reply to sil from comment #60) > I dont get it. Firefox is up to 116.02. Explain Version 117 and 118 are already in various stages of development. The fix needs to be applied to all of them or the problem will just come back when 117 ships in a couple weeks. This is getting off-topic for this bug, however. If you have more questions about how our release process works, you can ask in the #release-coordination channel in the Mozilla Matrix instance.
Bug 1847066 Comment 61 Edit History
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(In reply to sil from comment #60) > I dont get it. Firefox is up to 116.02. Explain Version 117 and 118 are already in various stages of development. The fix needs to be applied to all of them or the problem will just come back when 117 ships in a couple weeks. This is getting off-topic for this bug, however. If you have more questions about how our release process works, you can ask in the #release-discussions channel in the Mozilla Matrix instance.