Bug 1854839 Comment 0 Edit History

Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.

1. Use the FR-fr TB locale
2. Turn on card view (if you used table view)
3. Enter a text in the QFB search field

- FR-fr : the last button 'Corps du message'='Body' and overtakes the message zone while being wider than the message list vertical column
- EN-US : the text is shorter, so no problem

- The button should stay in the message list column.
- The best solution seems : switch to an icon only style (like do table view with the QFB buttons Unread/Starred/ Contact/...)
Others solutions could be :
1. switch to Two lines ? (not so good visually & functionally, as the user do not have control on these buttons label/label+icon/icon)
2. adjust the min with of the message list

TB 119.0a1 build 20230923093345
1. Use the FR-fr TB locale
2. Turn on card view (if you used table view)
3. Enter a text in the QFB search field

- FR-fr : the last button 'Corps du message'='Body' and overtakes the message zone while being wider than the message list vertical column
- EN-US : the text is shorter, so no problem

- The button should stay in the message list column.
- The best solution seems : switch to an icon only style (like does table view in Classic layout view with the QFB buttons Unread/Starred/ Contact/...)
Others solutions could be :
1. switch to Two lines ? (not so good visually & functionally, as the user do not have control on these buttons label/label+icon/icon)
2. adjust the min with of the message list

TB 119.0a1 build 20230923093345

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