Bug 1859830 Comment 8 Edit History

Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.

(Note: I noticed some clipping of the header/footer in comment 7's screenshot, and I filed bug 1859926 on that.  The overlapping-headers there (with the two copies of the URL) are just a version of bug 1112298; that overlap only shows up in Print Preview and only as a side-effect of that bug. There's no overlap in the actual printout, which just shows Nightly in place of one of the URLs, nor does any overlap happen if I use an actual extremely-long-`<title>` -- we ellipsize the title to avoid overlapping the URL.)
Note: there are two unrelated cosmetic issues shown in the header/footer in the right half of comment 7's screenshot.
* I filed bug 1859926 on the fact that the header/footer are clipped (at the bottom edge of the screenshot).
* There appears to be a overlapping-header issue (on the right edge of the screenshot, with the two copies of the URL stomping on top of each other), but I think that's just a version of bug 1112298; that overlap only shows up in Print Preview and only as a side-effect of that bug. There's no overlap in the actual physical printout, which just shows `Nightly` in place of the first URL.  Nor does any overlap happen in print-preview or print output if I use an actual extremely-long-`<title>` -- we ellipsize the title to avoid overlapping the URL.)
Note: there are two unrelated cosmetic issues shown in the header/footer in the right half of comment 7's screenshot.
* I filed bug 1859926 on the fact that the header/footer are clipped (at the bottom edge of the screenshot -- e.g. timestamp `4:15 P`, missing `M`)
* There appears to be a overlapping-header issue (on the right edge of the screenshot, with the two copies of the URL stomping on top of each other), but I think that's just a version of bug 1112298; that overlap only shows up in Print Preview and only as a side-effect of that bug. There's no overlap in the actual physical printout, which just shows `Nightly` in place of the first URL.  Nor does any overlap happen in print-preview or print output if I use an actual extremely-long-`<title>` -- we ellipsize the title to avoid overlapping the URL.)

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