Bug 1874949 Comment 0 Edit History

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Planned feature callouts 4 and 5 (TODO: link the spec here) will trigger when a user:
- disables "automatically open Review Checker"
- disables Review Checker

This requires 2 new FxMS triggers. There are 2 possible ways to do this:
1. [Listen to](https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/browser/components/newtab/lib/ASRouterTriggerListeners.jsm) the prefs controlled by these toggles and fire the trigger when the prefs changes.
2. In the forthcoming UI code, in the click listeners' callbacks, directly invoke `ASRouter.sendTriggerMessage` with an appropriately named trigger.

The latter depends more on the UI, which doesn't exist yet, but it's also more precisely what we want. So the ideal approach depends on when we start work on this. We can start on 1 immediately since we can decide what the names of the prefs will be, and they will be used in the UI code, or else if the UI patch uses different pref names it can also change them in the trigger listener.
Planned [feature callouts 4 and 5](https://www.figma.com/file/JhKhHqJJ9bjzU1TITUpiWi/Review-Checker---Experiments?type=design&node-id=762-23740&mode=design&t=qVH5D2ipJl9b5TfF-4) will trigger when a user:
- disables "automatically open Review Checker"
- disables Review Checker

This requires 2 new FxMS triggers. There are 2 possible ways to do this:
1. [Listen to](https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/browser/components/newtab/lib/ASRouterTriggerListeners.jsm) the prefs controlled by these toggles and fire the trigger when the prefs changes.
2. In the forthcoming UI code, in the click listeners' callbacks, directly invoke `ASRouter.sendTriggerMessage` with an appropriately named trigger.

The latter depends more on the UI, which doesn't exist yet, but it's also more precisely what we want. So the ideal approach depends on when we start work on this. We can start on 1 immediately since we can decide what the names of the prefs will be, and they will be used in the UI code, or else if the UI patch uses different pref names it can also change them in the trigger listener.
Planned [feature callouts 4 and 5](https://www.figma.com/file/JhKhHqJJ9bjzU1TITUpiWi/Review-Checker---Experiments?type=design&node-id=762-23740&mode=design&t=qVH5D2ipJl9b5TfF-4) will trigger when a user:
- disables "automatically open Review Checker"
- disables Review Checker

This requires 2 new FxMS triggers. There are 2 possible ways to do this:
1. [Listen to](https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/browser/components/newtab/lib/ASRouterTriggerListeners.jsm) the prefs controlled by these toggles and fire the trigger when the prefs changes.
2. In the forthcoming UI code, in the click listeners' callbacks, directly invoke `ASRouter.sendTriggerMessage` with an appropriately named trigger.

The latter depends more on the UI, which doesn't exist yet, but it's also more precisely what we want. So the ideal approach depends on when we start work on this. We can start on 1 immediately since we can decide what the names of the prefs will be, and they will be used in the UI code, or else if the UI patch uses different pref names it can also change them in the trigger listener.

[Figma spec](https://www.figma.com/file/JhKhHqJJ9bjzU1TITUpiWi/Review-Checker---Experiments?type=design&node-id=762-23740&mode=design&t=qVH5D2ipJl9b5TfF-4)

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