**Found in** * 123.0b3 **Affected versions** * 124.0a1 (2024-01-26) * 123.0b4 **Tested platforms** * Affected platforms: Windows 10x64, macOS 12, Ubuntu 22.04 * Unaffected platforms: none **Preconditions** * New profile **Steps to reproduce** 1. Open https://edition.cnn.com/ **Expected result** * Firefox is installing components needed to play the audio or video on this page message is displayed one time **Actual result** * Firefox is installing components needed to play the audio or video on this page message is displayed three times **Regression** * Mozregression pushlog: Last good revision: 350fac42df08982dcb6992f3ab5c733a119bce8f 3:41.64 INFO: First bad revision: fe54bf7adef07c981ea02056742b1b7997a27d55 3:41.64 INFO: Pushlog: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/autoland/pushloghtml?fromchange=350fac42df08982dcb6992f3ab5c733a119bce8f&tochange=fe54bf7adef07c981ea02056742b1b7997a27d55 **Additional notes** * Attached a screenshot. * On Lubuntu 22 the Enable Drm message is displayed three times.
Bug 1877416 Comment 0 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
**Found in** * 123.0b4 **Affected versions** * 124.0a1 (2024-01-26) * 123.0b4 **Tested platforms** * Affected platforms: Windows 10x64, macOS 12, Ubuntu 22.04 * Unaffected platforms: none **Preconditions** * New profile **Steps to reproduce** 1. Open https://edition.cnn.com/ **Expected result** * Firefox is installing components needed to play the audio or video on this page message is displayed one time **Actual result** * Firefox is installing components needed to play the audio or video on this page message is displayed three times **Regression** * Mozregression pushlog: Last good revision: 350fac42df08982dcb6992f3ab5c733a119bce8f 3:41.64 INFO: First bad revision: fe54bf7adef07c981ea02056742b1b7997a27d55 3:41.64 INFO: Pushlog: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/autoland/pushloghtml?fromchange=350fac42df08982dcb6992f3ab5c733a119bce8f&tochange=fe54bf7adef07c981ea02056742b1b7997a27d55 **Additional notes** * Attached a screenshot. * On Lubuntu 22 the Enable Drm message is displayed three times.
**Found in** * 123.0b4 **Affected versions** * 124.0a1 (2024-01-26) * 123.0b4 **Tested platforms** * Affected platforms: Windows 10x64, macOS 12, Lubuntu 22.04 * Unaffected platforms: none **Preconditions** * New profile **Steps to reproduce** 1. Open https://edition.cnn.com/ **Expected result** * Firefox is installing components needed to play the audio or video on this page message is displayed one time **Actual result** * Firefox is installing components needed to play the audio or video on this page message is displayed three times **Regression** * Mozregression pushlog: Last good revision: 350fac42df08982dcb6992f3ab5c733a119bce8f 3:41.64 INFO: First bad revision: fe54bf7adef07c981ea02056742b1b7997a27d55 3:41.64 INFO: Pushlog: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/autoland/pushloghtml?fromchange=350fac42df08982dcb6992f3ab5c733a119bce8f&tochange=fe54bf7adef07c981ea02056742b1b7997a27d55 **Additional notes** * Attached a screenshot. * On Lubuntu 22 the Enable Drm message is displayed three times.
**Found in** * 123.0b4 **Affected versions** * 124.0a1 (2024-01-26) * 123.0b4 **Tested platforms** * Affected platforms: Windows 10x64, macOS 12, Lubuntu 22.04 * Unaffected platforms: none **Preconditions** * New profile **Steps to reproduce** 1. Open https://edition.cnn.com/ **Expected result** * Firefox is installing components needed to play the audio or video on this page message is displayed one time **Actual result** * Firefox is installing components needed to play the audio or video on this page message is displayed three times **Regression** * Mozregression pushlog: Last good revision: 350fac42df08982dcb6992f3ab5c733a119bce8f 3:41.64 INFO: First bad revision: fe54bf7adef07c981ea02056742b1b7997a27d55 3:41.64 INFO: Pushlog: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/autoland/pushloghtml?fromchange=350fac42df08982dcb6992f3ab5c733a119bce8f&tochange=fe54bf7adef07c981ea02056742b1b7997a27d55 **Additional notes** * Attached a screenshot. * On Lubuntu 22 the Enable DRM message is displayed three times.