This report comes from my sister, but I was able to reproduce on my own machine quite easily. Here are the steps: 1. Open up a bunch of Firefox windows. Doesn't seem to matter if they're private or not, and they can be on multiple monitors. 1. Navigate to in one of them and search for "Inuyasha" 1. Click on the Inuyasha icon to cause the prefix to launch 1. Notice that all your Firefox windows have flashed and then gone blank (it seems you can click in them to bring their contents back) Note that, for some reason, it is specifically Inuyasha that reproduces this issue -- Both my sister and I were unable to find another Netflix preview that caused this same issue.
Bug 1883932 Comment 0 Edit History
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This report comes from my sister, but I was able to reproduce on my own machine quite easily. Here are the steps: 1. Open up a bunch of Firefox windows. Doesn't seem to matter if they're private or not, and they can be on multiple monitors. 1. Navigate to in one of them and search for "Inuyasha" 1. Click on the Inuyasha icon to cause the preview to launch 1. Notice that all your Firefox windows have flashed and then gone blank (it seems you can click in them to bring their contents back) Note that, for some reason, it is specifically Inuyasha that reproduces this issue -- Both my sister and I were unable to find another Netflix preview that caused this same issue. Note that non-Firefox windows are not effected.
This report comes from my sister, but I was able to reproduce on my own machine quite easily. Here are the steps: 1. Open up a bunch of Firefox windows. Doesn't seem to matter if they're private or not, and they can be on multiple monitors. 1. Navigate to in one of them and search for "Inuyasha" 1. Click on the Inuyasha icon to cause the preview to launch 1. Notice that all your Firefox windows have flashed and then gone blank (it seems you can click in them to bring their contents back) Note that, for some reason, it is specifically Inuyasha that reproduces this issue -- Both my sister and I were unable to find another Netflix preview that caused this same issue. Note that non-Firefox windows are not affected.
This report comes from my sister, but I was able to reproduce on my own machine quite easily. Here are the steps: 1. Open up a bunch of Firefox windows. Doesn't seem to matter if they're private or not, and they can be on multiple monitors. 1. Navigate to in one of them and search for "Inuyasha". 1. Click on the Inuyasha icon to cause the preview to launch. 1. Notice that all your Firefox windows have flashed and then gone blank (it seems you can click in them to bring their contents back). Note that, for some reason, it is specifically Inuyasha that reproduces this issue -- Both my sister and I were unable to find another Netflix preview that caused this same issue. Note that non-Firefox windows are not affected.