Bug 1894328 Comment 0 Edit History

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Almost same except there's extra X button. Copypasting from bug 1891063:

Clicking the notification clicks the window below the notification, and the notification window gets the extra border around it.

Repro steps:

1. Set `alerts.useSystemBackend` to false
2. Open https://www.bennish.net/web-notifications.html
3. Click Authorize and then Show.

Expected: No border around the notification window and you should be able to click the X button
Actual: A thick border around it and trying to click X button clicks irrelevant things under the notification.
Almost same except there's extra X button. Copypasting from bug 1869891:

Clicking the notification clicks the window below the notification, and the notification window gets the extra border around it.

Repro steps:

1. Set `alerts.useSystemBackend` to false
2. Open https://www.bennish.net/web-notifications.html
3. Click Authorize and then Show.

Expected: No border around the notification window and you should be able to click the X button
Actual: A thick border around it and trying to click X button clicks irrelevant things under the notification.

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