Bug 1899346 Comment 0 Edit History

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Per the [spec](https://www.figma.com/design/ZFavpnAJee39j2mFf8U3D0/Sidebar-UX-Spec?node-id=8038-216499&t=KVvZAik6vsy5emEB-0) when a user changes from horizontal tabs to vertical tabs we want to hide the tabs-toolbar and all tools in there - default or custom pinned - should go in the tabs toolbar and/over overflow menu. And the red/yellow/green window controls should move into the nav bar.

[This](https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/browser/components/customizableui/CustomizableUI.sys.mjs#286-299) is the area of CustomizableUI code we'll want to address.
Per the [spec](https://www.figma.com/design/ZFavpnAJee39j2mFf8U3D0/Sidebar-UX-Spec?node-id=8038-216499&t=KVvZAik6vsy5emEB-0) when a user changes from horizontal tabs to vertical tabs we want to hide the tabs-toolbar and all tools in there - default or custom pinned - should go in the tabs toolbar and/over overflow menu and back into their default position when toggled back to horizontal tabs.

[This](https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/browser/components/customizableui/CustomizableUI.sys.mjs#286-299) is the area of CustomizableUI code we'll want to address.

Moving the red/yellow/green window controls into the nav bar will be handled in a separate bug.
Per the [spec](https://www.figma.com/design/ZFavpnAJee39j2mFf8U3D0/Sidebar-UX-Spec?node-id=8038-216499&t=KVvZAik6vsy5emEB-0) when a user changes from horizontal tabs to vertical tabs we want to hide the tabs-toolbar and all tools in there - default or custom pinned - should go in the nav toolbar and/or overflow menu and back into their default position when toggled back to horizontal tabs.

[This](https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/browser/components/customizableui/CustomizableUI.sys.mjs#286-299) is the area of CustomizableUI code we'll want to address.

Moving the red/yellow/green window controls into the nav bar will be handled in a separate bug.

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