Open Bug 1899346 Opened 1 month ago Updated 2 hours ago

Move all tools in the tabs toolbar when in vertical tabs mode


(Firefox :: Sidebar, task, P1)






(Reporter: sclements, Assigned: sfoster)


(Blocks 3 open bugs)


(Whiteboard: [fidefe-sidebar])


(1 file)

Per the spec when a user changes from horizontal tabs to vertical tabs we want to hide the tabs-toolbar and all tools in there - default or custom pinned - should go in the nav toolbar and/or overflow menu and back into their default position when toggled back to horizontal tabs.

This is the area of CustomizableUI code we'll want to address.

Moving the red/yellow/green window controls into the nav bar will be handled in a separate bug.

Depends on: 1893655
Blocks: 1899598
Blocks: 1901551
See Also: → 1901551

Something to flag that came up during review of bug 1893655, is that trying to restore defaults when in customize mode breaks the UI. I've filed a separate bug for handling the tabstrip specifically (in terms of making it removable, see bug 1901551). But we'll also need to think about this when moving these widgets into navbar/overflow that restoring defaults doesn't try to immediately place them out of the navbar and back into the tabs-toolbar area (perhaps it will just behing the scenes update the defaultPlacements).

Assignee: nobody → sfoster

I have a exploratory/WIP patch on here with a number of open questions that I'm not sure how to answer and proceed with the patch. Need-infoing sclements and :Gijs, please forward the need-info as appropriate.

Flags: needinfo?(sclements)
Flags: needinfo?(gijskruitbosch+bugs)

(In reply to Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) from comment #3)

I have a exploratory/WIP patch on here with a number of open questions that I'm not sure how to answer and proceed with the patch. Need-infoing sclements and :Gijs, please forward the need-info as appropriate.

I've added comments on phab.

Flags: needinfo?(gijskruitbosch+bugs)

I've also added comments on phab.

Flags: needinfo?(sclements)
Attachment #9407657 - Attachment description: WIP: Bug 1899346 - (WIP) Move all tools in the tabs toolbar when in vertical tabs mode → Bug 1899346 - Move all tools in the tabs toolbar when in vertical tabs mode. r?#sidebar-reviewers!
Attachment #9407657 - Attachment description: Bug 1899346 - Move all tools in the tabs toolbar when in vertical tabs mode. r?#sidebar-reviewers! → WIP: Bug 1899346 - Move all tools in the tabs toolbar when in vertical tabs mode. r?#sidebar-reviewers!
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