We want to do a deploy for `tecken` tagged `v2024.07.31`. It consists of the following commits: `b493979`: Don't reference exposed port in gcs emulator options (relud) `17b3a1e`: bug 1908689: Allow running systemtests against the new GCP environments. (smarnach) `46862f3`: bug 1908689: Update help string to include new environments. (smarnach) `3749055`: bug 1908689: Pass correct auth token to upload-by-download test. (smarnach) `398fd78`: bug 1908689: Update README.rst. (smarnach) `5acbc21`: bug 1906139: systemtests download API improvements (#2971) (biancadanforth) `a9ce843`: bug 1564452: Simplify StorageError class. (smarnach) `0583665`: bug 1827506: Add GCS implementation of StorageInterface. (smarnach) `0fb12b8`: bug 1827506: Add basic GCSStorage test. (smarnach) `0fecc7d`: bug 1827506: Make SymbolStorage backend-agnostic. (smarnach) `265446c`: bug 1827506: Refactor storage backend tests. (smarnach) `3cec85b`: bug 1827506: Make SymbolStorage tests run with both GCS and S3 backends. (smarnach) `43953b6`: bug 1827506: Make download tests run with both GCS and S3 backends. (smarnach) `15386cb`: bug 1827506: Inline and remove create_storage_backend fixture. (smarnach) `ca16889`: bug 1827506: Make upload tests run with both GCS and S3 backends. (smarnach) `4bb299f`: bug 1908868: Use structured configuration for backends. (smarnach) `db7f325`: fixup! bug 1908868: Use structured configuration for backends. (smarnach) `d89017e`: bug 1827506: Prevent decompressive transcoding for GCS downloads. (smarnach) `ab28cca`: fixup! bug 1908868: Use structured configuration for backends. (smarnach) `bec56d4`: bug 1827506: de-obscure StorageError (willkg) `08ca5ae`: bug 1827506: move test data into subdirectory (willkg) `a22afbc`: bug 1827506: move sym header extraction, rework tests (willkg) `57b8401`: bug 1827506: Include the try_symbols flag in the storage backend repr. (smarnach) `69aac3c`: bug 1827506: Log backend errors in the Dockerflow health check. (smarnach) `b08c54c`: bug 1827506: Rename storage timeout settings. (smarnach) `19466b0`: bug 1827506: Add setting to configure the S3 region in AWS. (smarnach) `6e3dc91`: bug 1909870: Rename old system tests to smoke tests. (smarnach) `ec4d937`: bug 1906959: Allow GCS buckets to be behind a CDN. (smarnach) `3f33f2c`: bug 1905455: Enable anonymous access to S3 buckets. (smarnach) `2a88028`: bug 1905455: Enable anonymous access to GCS buckets. (smarnach) `975c2c5`: bug 1909870: Add new system test suite. (smarnach) `0b9e33f`: bug 1909870: Allow upload-by-download from sytem test GCS bucket. (smarnach) `f5e7a81`: bug 1909870: Explicitly pass API endpoint to GCS client. (smarnach) `bc096ae`: bug 1909870: Formatting and spelling fixes. (smarnach) `c87314a`: bug 1909870: Remove prod target environments. (smarnach) `a3a7fd7`: bug 1909870: Disable pytest live logging by default. (smarnach) `41803b8`: bug 1909870: Show more specific error message for missing auth tokens. (smarnach) `f07c3c1`: Update ruff and pytest (willkg) Bugs referenced: * bug #1564452 * bug #1827506 * bug #1905455 * bug #1906139 * bug #1906959 * bug #1908689 * bug #1908868 * bug #1909870
Bug 1910917 Comment 0 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
We want to do a deploy for `tecken` tagged `v2024.07.31`. It consists of the following commits: `b493979`: Don't reference exposed port in gcs emulator options (relud) `17b3a1e`: bug 1908689: Allow running systemtests against the new GCP environments. (smarnach) `46862f3`: bug 1908689: Update help string to include new environments. (smarnach) `3749055`: bug 1908689: Pass correct auth token to upload-by-download test. (smarnach) `398fd78`: bug 1908689: Update README.rst. (smarnach) `5acbc21`: bug 1906139: systemtests download API improvements (#2971) (biancadanforth) `a9ce843`: bug 1564452: Simplify StorageError class. (smarnach) `0583665`: bug 1827506: Add GCS implementation of StorageInterface. (smarnach) `0fb12b8`: bug 1827506: Add basic GCSStorage test. (smarnach) `0fecc7d`: bug 1827506: Make SymbolStorage backend-agnostic. (smarnach) `265446c`: bug 1827506: Refactor storage backend tests. (smarnach) `3cec85b`: bug 1827506: Make SymbolStorage tests run with both GCS and S3 backends. (smarnach) `43953b6`: bug 1827506: Make download tests run with both GCS and S3 backends. (smarnach) `15386cb`: bug 1827506: Inline and remove create_storage_backend fixture. (smarnach) `ca16889`: bug 1827506: Make upload tests run with both GCS and S3 backends. (smarnach) `4bb299f`: bug 1908868: Use structured configuration for backends. (smarnach) `db7f325`: fixup! bug 1908868: Use structured configuration for backends. (smarnach) `d89017e`: bug 1827506: Prevent decompressive transcoding for GCS downloads. (smarnach) `ab28cca`: fixup! bug 1908868: Use structured configuration for backends. (smarnach) `bec56d4`: bug 1827506: de-obscure StorageError (willkg) `08ca5ae`: bug 1827506: move test data into subdirectory (willkg) `a22afbc`: bug 1827506: move sym header extraction, rework tests (willkg) `57b8401`: bug 1827506: Include the try_symbols flag in the storage backend repr. (smarnach) `69aac3c`: bug 1827506: Log backend errors in the Dockerflow health check. (smarnach) `b08c54c`: bug 1827506: Rename storage timeout settings. (smarnach) `19466b0`: bug 1827506: Add setting to configure the S3 region in AWS. (smarnach) `6e3dc91`: bug 1909870: Rename old system tests to smoke tests. (smarnach) `ec4d937`: bug 1906959: Allow GCS buckets to be behind a CDN. (smarnach) `3f33f2c`: bug 1905455: Enable anonymous access to S3 buckets. (smarnach) `2a88028`: bug 1905455: Enable anonymous access to GCS buckets. (smarnach) `975c2c5`: bug 1909870: Add new system test suite. (smarnach) `0b9e33f`: bug 1909870: Allow upload-by-download from sytem test GCS bucket. (smarnach) `f5e7a81`: bug 1909870: Explicitly pass API endpoint to GCS client. (smarnach) `bc096ae`: bug 1909870: Formatting and spelling fixes. (smarnach) `c87314a`: bug 1909870: Remove prod target environments. (smarnach) `a3a7fd7`: bug 1909870: Disable pytest live logging by default. (smarnach) `41803b8`: bug 1909870: Show more specific error message for missing auth tokens. (smarnach) `f07c3c1`: Update ruff and pytest (willkg) Bugs referenced: * bug #1564452 * bug #1827506 * bug #1905455 * bug #1906139 * bug #1906959 * bug #1908689 * bug #1908868 * bug #1909870 This also pushes the changes from rate-limiting on the instance to connection-limiting. bug #1910613