Basically takes the Firefox function, adds the callback parameter and fix the callers to pass it differently. We do not currently use the other optional parameters. Should we keep them or take out? [Approval Request Comment] Regression caused by (bug #): unknown User impact if declined: usally none but an error is logged. Testing completed (on m-c, etc.): 2.53.20b1 pre Risk to taking this patch (and alternatives if risky): tested and working. String changes made by this patch: --
Bug 1925037 Comment 1 Edit History
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Basically takes the Firefox function, adds the callback parameter and fix the callers to pass it differently. We do not currently use the other optional parameters. Should we keep them or take out? 2 mini drive by fixes as noted in the patch. [Approval Request Comment] Regression caused by (bug #): unknown User impact if declined: usally none but an error is logged. Testing completed (on m-c, etc.): 2.53.20b1 pre Risk to taking this patch (and alternatives if risky): tested and working. String changes made by this patch: --