`browser.urlbar.untrimOnUserInteraction.featureGate` is enabled with scotchBonnet ovverride pref, also `dom.security.https_first_schemeless` has been released in Firefox 129. That leaves us with `security.insecure_connection_text.enabled`
Bug 1937136 Comment 2 Edit History
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`browser.urlbar.untrimOnUserInteraction.featureGate` is enabled with scotchBonnet ovverride pref, also `dom.security.https_first_schemeless` has been released in Firefox 129. That leaves us with `security.insecure_connection_text.enabled` and I'm thinking to just enable it in Nightly and uplift to 135. Shouldn't be controversial, it will just be a bit redundant to show both http and the label without Scotch Bonnet, but shouldn't break any workflow.