Bumping severity due cause of data loss for users that have clear data on shutdown activated. This is a potential dot release driver. Most noteable cookies and therefore logins. And less noticable cache and siteSettings.
Bug 1952564 Comment 6 Edit History
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Bumping severity due cause of data loss for users that have clear data on shutdown activated. This is a potential dot release driver. Most noteable cookies and therefore logins. And less noticable cache and siteSettings. (not entirely sure if this is a correct assessment. please downgrade again to S2 if that is a better reflection of situation due to only a subset of users being affected and workaround existing).
Bumping severity due cause of data loss for users that have clear data on shutdown activated. This is a potential dot release driver. Most noteable cookies and therefore logins. And less noticable cache ~~and siteSettings~~. (not entirely sure if this is a correct assessment. please downgrade again to S2 if that is a better reflection of situation due to only a subset of users being affected and workaround existing).