Bug 707933 Comment 76 Edit History

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(Hidden by Administrator)
I never run with any accounts set to Check-on-Start-up because, when I start, sometimes I want to look at something specific and don't want a bunch of unrelated downloads in my way.  But for the sake of testing, I turned on Check-on-Startup for several accounts -- all at the same ISP -- and opened several emails in those various accounts.  Then I exited specifically using FILE, EXIT as per steps in 822625, and ran various tests.

Before starting anything, I needed to check my initial situation.  I did two overlapping GET MESSAGES (ALL) four times in total -- 14 accounts at 3 ISPs included in the GET ALL MESSAGES list -- and got the popups 4x, 1x, 1x, and 3x.  So this proves that the popups still happen (TB 68.10.0) when GETMAILs collide.  Then I set up as above and began testing bug 822625.  [[ Sorry, I can no longer find the option that used to say "Include this account in Get All Messages?" ]]

> From now on, whenever I say "close" or "exit", I mean I used FILE, EXIT to close TB, then waited a couple of seconds before continuing.

First, with the various Checks-on-Startup set and no emails open, I closed and re-launched TB -- no popups.  Repeated a few times, nothing.

Then I opened several emails representative of various accounts.  I closed TB and re-launched -- there were no popups.  I repeated four or five times -- no popups.  So this seems to disprove bug 822625 (by having more accounts to open and trip over).

Finally, several times I launched TB and immediately launched GET MESSAGES (ALL) so that it overlapped the startup GETMAILs in progress.  No surprise, I got the occasional popup.  This proves two things:  (1) as above, overlapping GETMAILs still collide, whether automatic or manual;  and (2) my own observation of popups during any one single specific manual GETMAIL is in fact due to collision with automatic GETMAILs running in the background -- in this case several at once, but not the complete set as would happen when all items start up after a delay (ie- "not at startup").

If I was guessing, based on my experience with multiple accounts at multiple ISPs (documented above in *this* bug), it might be a matter of timing too.  Even though bug 822625 has only two accounts, the ISP might be a tad slow responding to (and perhaps overlapping) both polls.  Or if the accounts are at different ISPs the responses might return almost simultaneously.  A quick test for bug 822625 would be -- with no emails open -- to click on GET MESSAGES (ALL) several times in quick succession and try to force a collision.  With only two accounts repeating, it might take several tries, but...  If a collision happens quickly, that might prove the popup has everything to do with timing or responses and little to do with emails being open (except that TB has to open the emails while it is polling the startups).

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