@Daniel: Thanks for your report. Are you still experiencing the described problem? If not, have you ever found out what caused it? If yes, could you please confirm that you are using the plain text composer (without the formatting toolbar, so you can't pick a text color for instance) ? I'm asking just to make sure, because all other replies referred to font size which isn't applicable in the plain text composition window.
Bug 853834 Comment 4 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
@Daniel: Thanks for your report. Are you still experiencing the described problem? If not, have you ever found out what caused it? If yes, could you please confirm that you are using the plain text composer (without the formatting toolbar, so you can't pick a text color for instance) ?
@Daniel: Thanks for your report. Are you still experiencing the described problem? If not, have you ever found out what caused it? If yes, could you please confirm that you are using the plain text composer (without the formatting toolbar, so you can't pick a text color for instance) ?
@Daniel: Thanks for your report. Are you still experiencing the described problem? If not, have you ever found out what caused it? You are using the plain text composer (without the formatting toolbar, so you can't pick a text color for instance), right ?