Open Bug 853834 Opened 12 years ago Updated 9 months ago

Compose window wraps at column 60, but should use mailnews.wraplength


(Thunderbird :: Message Compose Window, defect)

17 Branch


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mozilla-bugs, Unassigned, NeedInfo)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:19.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/19.0 Build ID: 20130307122903 Steps to reproduce: In the compose window (new mail, or when editing a draft), plain text is wrapped at mailnews.wraplength-12 (at column 60, if mailnews.wraplength is configured at 72).

I've seen a similar issue, with recent TB versions including 68. I was able to narrow this down:

If you set a minimum font size to something larger than the monospace font, wrapping is broken. Seems the line length calculation is solely based on the monospace font size (in plain text mode), not the effective font size.

Component: Untriaged → Message Compose Window

In Thunderbird 68.2.2 (Ubuntu 18.04), I finally figured out why lines were wrapping at 46 characters, rather than 72, even though I had mailnews.wraplength set to 72. When I set the value to 105, the message composition window wrapped lines at 72 characters. The line wrap I am referring to is for rendering purposes only. No newlines are inserted at 46, 72 or 105 characters.

My Preferences > Display > Formatting > Fonts & Colors > Default Font is set to "sans-serif", size "16".

Severity: normal → S3

@Daniel: Thanks for your report. Are you still experiencing the described problem? If not, have you ever found out what caused it?
You are using the plain text composer (without the formatting toolbar, so you can't pick a text color for instance), right ?

Flags: needinfo?(mozilla-bugs)

Not Daniel, but I do not see this issue anymore (using the plain-text composer and an increased minimum font size). I believe it has been resolved along with .

because all other replies referred to font size which isn't applicable in the plain text composition window.

The font size that is used to display plain-text messages in the composer window can be configured. Changing that configuration setting caused the problem, which is why the other reporters talked about font size.

@ Marcel: Yes, that just occured to me and I removed it from my comment, but you were faster. Many thanks for your feedback. Yes, I think it's the same issue as in bug 1503662.

@ Daniel (reporter): Since this bug seems to have been fixed, can you try with a current Thunderbird version ?

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