Bug 1430549 Comment 15 Edit History

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I know what "EME plugins" means and I didn't "snipped" anything. Yes, you quoted this sentence but you said the "plugins section serves no purpose anymore" and I answered to that senctence because it's not true. The page about:addons#plugins still gives the users an explanation what Widevine and OpenH264 are - and this could be considered as important for some users because these are third party plugins and many users don't know why they need them. Also the page gives information about the installed version (can be important if there are problems) and the date of the last update. And if you look at the details of OpenH264 you will find a licence link. I am pretty sure there wouldn't be a licence link if Mozilla would not be legally required to link the licence. Please note also that there is a setting in about:preference for disabling EME (that's what Widevine is for) but there is no setting for OpenH264.
I know what "EME plugins" means and I didn't "snipped" anything. Yes, you quoted this sentence but you said the "plugins section serves no purpose anymore" and I answered to that senctence because it's not true. The page about:addons#plugins still gives the users an explanation what Widevine and OpenH264 are - and this could be considered as important for some users because these are third party plugins and many users don't know why they need them. Also the page gives information about the installed version (can be important if there are problems) and the date of the last update. And if you look at the details of OpenH264 you will find a licence link. I am pretty sure there wouldn't be a licence link if Mozilla would not be legally required to link the licence. Please note also that there is a setting in about:preference for disabling DRM (that's what Widevine is for) but there is no setting for OpenH264.
I know what "EME plugins" means and I didn't "snipped" anything. Yes, you quoted this sentence but you said the "plugins section serves no purpose anymore" and I answered to that senctence because it's not true. The page about:addons#plugins still gives the users an explanation what Widevine and OpenH264 are - and this could be considered as important for some users because these are third party plugins and many users don't know why they need them. Also the page gives information about the installed version (can be important if there are problems) and the date of the last update. And if you look at the details of OpenH264 you will find a licence link. I am pretty sure there wouldn't be a licence link if Mozilla would not be legally required to link the licence. Please note also that there is a setting in about:preference for disabling EME (that's what Widevine is for) but there is no setting for OpenH264 (OpenH264 is not related to EME but to WebRTC).
I know what "EME plugins" means and I didn't "snipped" anything. Yes, you quoted this sentence but you said the "plugins section serves no purpose anymore" and I answered to that senctence because it's not true. The page about:addons#plugins still gives the users an explanation what Widevine and OpenH264 are - and this could be considered as important for some users because these are third party plugins and many users don't know why they need them. Also the page gives information about the installed version (can be important if there are problems) and the date of the last update. And if you look at the details of OpenH264 you will find a licence link. I am pretty sure there wouldn't be a licence link if Mozilla would not be legally required to link the licence. Please note also that there is a setting in about:preference for disabling EME (that's what Widevine is for) but there is no setting for OpenH264 (OpenH264 is not related to EME but to WebRTC).

I don't say that all these things couldn't be integrated in another way. But that has to happen before about:addons#plugins can be considered to be removed.

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